Press Release – Antiques and Collectors Fair Returns To Ally Pally

Antiques and Collectors Fair
Returns To Ally Pally
The Antiques & Collectors Fair at Alexandra Palace returns for 2023, under new management and bigger & better.
Running for almost 40 years, the Antiques & Collectors Fair at Alexandra Palace is famous for being possibly the biggest and the best indoor event of its kind in the UK. The fair returns on Sunday 2nd July 2023 with its biggest offer to visitors in over 10 years.
On confirming the date, the new organisers, APACF, already have a commitment for over 200 stalls, even before launching it to the trade. APACF’s director, Paul Kelly, commented ‘Having run this fair at Ally Pally for 7 years before passing it over to IACF, who were fantastic at continuing the tradition, I am privileged to be the new custodian of this celebrated event. Covid has taken its toll in our industry and this fair was hit particularly hard. We have put some great things in place to maintain the popularity of this event and have exciting plans to grow it beyond the confines of the Great Hall”
Paul continued “We expect that a core of 250 antiques & collectors dealers will return, which will be the foundation of the event. It will be great to see many of these dealers again, some of whom have supported this event at Ally Pally for over 20 years. We will also see the return of Pop Up Vintage Fairs London, with an even bigger group of stall holders than before.”
Maxine Stonehill of Pop Up Vintage Fairs London says “We’re thrilled that the Alexandra Palace Antiques & Collectors Fair has been taken over by new organisers APACF and can continue its long history of bringing antique fairs to this iconic venue. Pop Up Vintage Fairs London have been part of the fair at Ally Pally for ten years and now we’re excited to continue the tradition with the new organisers, bringing back our vintage traders to the largest indoor event of its type in London”
Paul added “We would also like to welcome the team from VIP Records Fair, who will be taking 100 stalls to create a new ‘fair in fair’ experience. Almost half of records sold today are bought by under 35’s, which will again breathe new life into the fair and continue to bring a new generation of stallholders, visitors and buyers to Alexandra Palace”
Rob Lythall of VIP Record Fairs said “With 40 years running Record Fairs at venues like Wembley, Olympia and the NEC, we are delighted to add our merry band of Record Traders to this revamped show. We will have a huge selection of genres from Prog rock, Punk Rock and Hip-Hop to Soul, Reggae and Doo Wop. Dealers will arrive with a massive range from the super rare to discounted brand new, from genuine bargain bins to collectable memorabilia”
The fair will also see the return of the extremely popular Antique Valuation Roadshow, where visitors can bring their items from home and get them appraised for free by TV celebrity auctioneer James Lewis.
The fair will be held on Sunday 2nd July 2023 at Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Palace Way, London N22 7AY between 8.30am – 4.30pm.
Antiques & Collectors dealers/stall holders can book space online at or by calling 0333 358 3688.
Vintage dealers can email Pop Up Vintage Fairs London to book at or apply online at
Record dealers can email VIP Record Fairs to book space at or call 0116 275 2815
Public entrance tickets go on sale online at on Tuesday 14th March and will also be available on the day at the venue.
Notes To Editors
The one day Antiques & Collectors Fair at Alexandra Palace has been running since the mid 1980’s and is the biggest antiques & collectors event in London and one of the biggest indoor events of its kind in the UK.
There have been over 120 fairs held with over 500,000 visitors in that time.
APACF Ltd has been set up exclusively to manage and develop the Antiques & Collectors Fair at Alexandra Palace.
Paul Kelly
APACF Ltd – Organisers of the Alexandra Palace Antiques & Collectors Fair
Phone: 0333 358 3688
Mobile: 07850 350627
Alexandra Palace Antiques & Collectors Fair
Maxine Stonehill
Pop Up Vintage Fairs London
Mobile: 07716 295998
Rob Lythall
VIP Records Fairs
Phone: 0116 275 2815